I got some good sleep last night but woke up not feeling too great. My husband went back to work today so I had to take care of myself and my daughter not feeling well at least she is a huge help and is a very good 4 year old. I did not know if I was going to make it to my doctors appt today I was pretty scared about driving feeling as bad as I did and taking my daughter with me. My husband ended up meeting us over there and took our daughter home since I did not feel safe driving her home. Dr. Rowley took out 1/2 of my stitches and put me on antibiotics. My nose was looking very bad this morning and very red Dr. Rowley thought taking some of the stitches out would help with the redness. It looks a lot better tonight. Here are a few pictures my husband took of it tonight. I get the rest of my stitches out next Tuesday. This has been so hard not being able to go out of the house this week, not that I probably would have feeling like I do but I do not want anyone seeing my nose looking like this. I can put a band-aid over it and go out if I need to and will. I will be happy when it starts to heal better and I can put makeup on it.

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