Monday, March 16, 2009

Surgery Day

I had to be at the hospital at 7:30 so we dropped off our daughter at a friends house about 6:45. This is the longest time we had been away from her, so it was very strange, but she did have tons of fun playing with her friends.

Within a few minutes of checking in, they called me back to prep me. I had to put on a gown and they tried to get the IV started, but the nurse could not get it in right, so she had to call the anesthesiologist tech. He was getting a little frustrated too, but the second time he got it. I loved the little numbing shot he gave me before sticking that needle in me. He then tested it out to make sure it was good, so it would not blow out in surgery. About 8:30 they let my husband come back to be with me until they wheeled me away. My surgery was scheduled for 9:15. Around 9:30 the anesthesiologist came in and talked to me and told me what he would be doing. About a minute later my doctor came in and talked to me. A few minutes later the nurses that were going to be with me in the surgery came in and introduced themselves. Then another nurse came in and told me she was going to give me some happy medicine. They then injected it into my I.V. line. My husband kissed me good-bye and left. The nurses wheeled me away and I do not remember too much until I woke up and tried to touch my nose; the nurses quickly stopped me. One of the nurses got my glasses and a mirror so I could see the final results. Then I started asking questions, they gave me some ice chips for my thirst and, I asked if I had the MAC anesthesia and they told me, "no, you had general." Oh-well, I felt pretty good coming out of it and was not in any pain, and I really just wanted to go home. I remember looking at the clock about 11:30 and thinking that this took a long time. I finally left the hospital about 12:45.

Dr. Rowley cut out a little at at time and sent it to the pathologist to see if it was clear of cancerous cells. It took a total of 3 passes to get it all, and I ended up with a Bi-lobe flap to repair the amount of tissue that was removed from the tip of my nose, but he said that the cancer was all gone and shouldn't cause any future problems.

When we picked up our 4 year daughter she was a little freaked-out and was not sure about how to react. When we got her in the car seat and I looked at her she said, “Mommy I am so glad they did not cut off your whole nose”. I think she is slowly getting used to it now.

Here are a few pictures of my first day. Sorry these are a little gross and there is still blood on my nose. I will try to post new pictures every few days for the first few weeks then taper off to once a month.




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