Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Third Day After Surgery

I had my husband take some more pictures this morning of my nose. I think it looks worse today than the first day. These have been a rough couple of days. The first night home I think I got about 4 hours of sleep probably about the same the night before my surgery since I was so nervous. My doctor gave me darvocet for the pain (yes I am a light weight and do not like pain medicine) and I think it actually wired me and would not let me sleep. I took one when I got home from the hospital and felt like I wanted to sleep then all of a sudden I was not tired and had to get up. It did the same thing when I took the other one right before going to bed. I have not felt a lot of pain for this but just feel like I have been run over by a train. Yesterday morning I was doing okay and then by the afternoon I was not feeling well at all and asked my husband if he could stay home with me an extra day since I felt so bad. I am so glad he did he made me a bunch of eggs and a smoothie and I was feeling a lot better. I was able to finally sleep last night. I got up at 9:30 this morning and am kind of dizzy and kind of feeling a little off today. I feel like I could go back to sleep for another day. I have only taken Tylenol for the last two days for the little pain I am feeling. I go back to see my doctor tomorrow and they may take some of my stitches out or may leave them in until next Tuesday. I felt better the day of my surgery than I have today or yesterday. I hope by tomorrow I will be feeling better. Not that I can really go anywhere looking like this.




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